George F. Sidoris Memorial
George F. Sidoris Memorial Golf Outing, benefitting the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD).
Big THANK YOU to all who registered!
The 19th annual GFS will be held on Saturday, July 20th, 2024. Please click on the participation tab to print the registration form.
Schedule of Events
10:30 AM
Coffee/Donuts/Beer available
12:00 PM
Shotgun Start
5:00 PM
Steak Dinner & Beer/Beverage
Raffle & Awards

George F. Sidoris
Our late father, George F. Sidoris contracted a rare disease – Frontal Temporal Degeneration in the late 1990’s. At the time, we didn’t know a thing about the disease and the diagnosis was confusing because of his wide range of symptoms. Throughout dealing with this disease, we discovered AFTD through a Yahoo! group forum regarding Frontal Temporal Degeneration. We reached out to AFTD and they were beyond helpful. In fact, they proved to be an invaluable resource for our family, providing support on every aspect of our father’s rare disease. Our father passed away on Feb. 28th, 2005. Since his passing, my sister Chris and I felt the need to spread awareness and help other families who are coping with FTD, thus starting the GFS Memorial Golf Outing. For the last 18 years, we’ve held the outing at Lost Nation Golf Course and invited family and friends only. It is an incredible fundraising event with golf, fun, food, beer and an opportunity to raise money for such an important cause. We are now entering our 19th year. Since 2006, we have raised over $373,250 and we wouldn’t be where we are today without your continued support.
We hope to see you this July 20, 2024!!!!